One of our volunteer members will contact you to recommend the nearest group to you.
Gnosis is a knowledge that has been present throughout human history. It is a true school of initiation into life, which helps anyone who is interested in a profound transformation of themselves. It enables every man and woman to transform their basic principles and habits, revitalise their infinite inner possibilities and rediscover their true human values.
In this introductory course you will learn about:
"Know yourself, and you will know the universe and the gods."
Temple of Delphi, ancient Greece
There are 2 levels with a total of 23 lessons, divided into:
Courses and events are free of charge as we are a voluntary, non-profit organisation.
Approx. 3 to 6 months (depending on the pace of the group).
Interest, self-discipline and punctuality.
We will explain what the word gnosis is, its foundations and its relationship to universal knowledge. In addition, we will understand the aims and purposes of these studies.
In general, people live mechanically without being aware of themselves. In this lesson you will learn about consciousness, subconsciousness, the causes of the sleep of consciousness and how to awaken it in the present moment.
Introduction to the study of our inner world, the three main components of human psychology, their characteristics and how we can use them to our advantage.
In this course called "First Chamber" learn the practical and philosophical foundations of Gnostic knowledge and prepare yourself to apply this knowledge in your own life.
The Gnosis explains that there are great latent and dormant possibilities in man that can be developed ...
This course offers an introduction to this wisdom, which is as old as mankind and enables inner development.
The Gnostic Doctrine leads us through a profound change in the way we think, feel and act to the realisation of the physical body, the mortal soul and the immortal spirit.
"Man, know yourself and you will know the universe and the gods."
Mistakes and pain are often caused by our selfish desires and our lack of understanding for others. This lesson is an in-depth exploration of the ego, its origins, its expressions and its effects on the mind, emotions, attitudes and the human psyche.
We will explore the physical and metaphysical influences of these three universal principles, especially sound, within and beyond the human being. In this lesson we will explore the theme of the creation of the universe and the human being, and we will also learn about myths from ancient cultures and the mysteries of the Trinity.
The human being is a complex machine that we still do not fully understand. This lesson is a study of the psychophysiological centres that make up our organism (intellectual, emotional, motor, instinctive and sexual) and how to use them wisely for the awakening of consciousness and inner spiritual development.
Reflection on the human being and their different worlds or areas of relationship, be it with family, society, the planet and themselves. How knowing ourselves helps us to improve all kinds of relationships.
Reflections on the path and life. Life follows a horizontal, mechanical line through which all of humanity develops. The path, on the other hand, is the search for the awakening of consciousness and follows a vertical line, through inner transformation.
We all have a level of being that has nothing to do with beliefs, social classes or academic levels. In this lesson we learn to identify our level of being and what we can do to ascend to a higher level.
Study and reflection on one of the first ethical codes of mankind. From an esoteric and profound point of view, the Decalogue is a guide to progress on the path, to elevate one's level of being and to prepare for the science of alchemy.
It explores the different stages of life and how to make the most of each one in order to fulfil the 'cosmic duty of humanity', i.e. the development of our dormant potential. It reveals the foundations of a revolutionary psychology that begins with changing the way we think, feel and act.
Reflections on the principles of the great religions and cultures of humanity, revealing a synthesised vision in which they all work towards the same goal: the awakening of consciousness and the happiness of the human being. Study of the archetypes of the cross, heaven and hell, the cosmic Christ, the eternal feminine, the sacred books and others.
A scientific and metaphysical study of the natural laws of evolution and involution that govern all creation, and the need for a psychological revolution to achieve true freedom, integrity and happiness. It explains how the Wheel of Samsara works and how to activate the Three Factors of the Revolution of Consciousness within us.
In this lesson we will conduct a cultural, scientific and metaphysical study of the afterlife based on the Egyptian and Tibetan Book of the Dead.
Our existence is governed by universal laws. In this lesson we learn about reincarnation, recurrence and, above all, recurrence. By recognising the repetitions in our lives, we can change and reshape our destiny.
Reflections on topics such as destiny, karma (punishment) and dharma (reward) from the perspective of different cultures, such as Egyptian, Hindu and others. Analysing the Four Postulates of the Law of Karma and how we can become freer to change our destiny.